Monday, January 29, 2007

You Know it’s time for a change…

When on Monday mornings, you awake with an overwhelming sense of dread, and 5 excuses for not dragging your butt out of bed to get ready for work.

When the act of climbing the stairs at the office to make your way to your desk – leaves you feeling winded, full of dread, and a heaviness that feels overwhelming.

When you turn on your computer and wonder how much time you can kill before you actually have to admit that the next 8.5 hours are going to be filled with an overwhelming monotony the likes of which make you want to stab your eyeballs out with a fork.

When everything makes you feel like you want to crawl under your desk and curl up in the fetal position and just cry.

When you know you have 4 more days that will be exactly like today before it’s Friday and you can have a couple of days break.

When you feel like you life is passing you by and it’s only the little things that keep you going – an encouraging word from a friend, a joke, the peanut butter and crackers in the bottom of your desk drawer that you keep betting yourself you can keep from eating if you actually want to lose 5lbs and not succumb to bad eating habits as a way to feel a small ounce of joy.

When you hear the boss approaching to tell you about some other gadget that has been installed on the fax machine and you realize that all the while he is talking you are mortified to find that you have actually tuned him out and have no idea what he just said.

When you discover you have turned 35 and you hate almost every aspect of your life and you thought you were going to be so much more…..

Then you realize, you have a daughter that counts on you and you can’t give in to the self pity and if you don’t keep working you will never be able to be independent and responsible for putting the roof over your head and hers… and

so you




No matter how crappy it all seems.

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