Yesterday my family got together to celebrate my younger brother's b-day (which was in December) and mine. We all sat down to a delicious and boisterous dinner of chicken and ribs. I recall part way through the meal asking my Mom, who was seated next to me, are we always this loud when we sit down for a meal. We are now getting up there in numbers 9 adults and 6 kids ranging in age from 9 months to 9 years.
In any case, we got through dinner and cleared away some of the dishes and it was time for dessert. In my family - my mom always asks us what we'd like for our birthday dessert. I am not a big cake fan - so I usually choose pie - and true to form I requested rhubarb pie. For the rest of the b-day cake fans and for my brother there was homemade chocolate cake.
So with much fanfare - out comes the chocolate cake with a single candle and we all sing happy birthday for my brother and he gets his 2 year old daughter on his lap to help blow out the candle, and we all laugh and clap.
Here it comes....
And then my Dad says "Tina! You didn't get to blow anything for your birthday."
I look at my sister-in law, and my oldest brother.... eyes wide open in shock - when all 3 of us start laughing our arses off. My oldest brother I am sure is laughing with mortification at the thought of his only sister even making the mental connection between her Dad's innocent words, and her own dirty mind... lol.
One week after my birthday, I blew out a single candle on my birthday pie, and realize now I was still laughing so hard at the joke - I forgot to make my birthday wish.
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