So my daughter says to me when we get home, what's for supper I'm starving, and I said supper will be in an hour or so - to which she starts to whine. I asked her how was her lunch - and she says fine. I go into her bedroom to take the lunch bag (which feels suspiciously heavy) into the kitchen - and before openeing it I said - what did you have (a test to see if she ate her lunch) to which she rhymes off what I made - which is not the same as what she ate. Her entire ham and cheese sandwhich, the apple, the fruit cup are all still untouched. The cookies and juice box however have been eaten. No wonder she is hungry.
Now if this was a one time occurance - it wouldnt' be so bad - but the fact is - lately her eating habits have left a little to be desired. She used to be a really good eater - and healthy eater too. But now - she is getting more and more picky. I worry a little because she is a girl - and makes comments occaisionally about her weight - which is perfectly healthy. That is to say - she is a perfectly healthy and age appropriate weight - there are no concerns there.
Over Christmas, I cleaned out her bedroom - and discovered many remnants of half eaten lunches - which totally grossed me out - half eaten sandwhiches, apples, fruit, fruit cups, apple sauce etc. Why on earth is she not eating this stuff. I am not prepared to pack a lunch full of junk food - however I don't mind mixing it up a bit to make things more interesting. I let her pick things in the grocery store (within reason) that she'd like to have - provided that they are nutritious.... I hate to waste money by throwing away food - or just letting it go bad.
So now I guess I need to figure out what to do next. She didn't even take a bit out of the sandwhich - not even a nibble. What the heck's up with that... no wonder she is cranky.
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