I woke up bright and early - cheers for no hangover on New Years Day - but I guess it helps if you don't drink anything on New Years Eve. I do believe the gods are shining down on me today - to give me an extra little push in the right direction. The Sun is Shining - there isn't a cloud in the clear blue sky - and I can take a deep breath.
But it's what comes after that - the deep breath came without some of the usual heaviness - it was a breath - not a sigh..... I am certain that in this next remark I will easily lose half my audience.... Someone pointed out a few things I might consider.... consider is the word I choose because I think they know my level of scepticism around all the self-help crap that is out there. I like to think a level head, and common sense can overcome many things.... but I did take a very small peek at some information and found a couple of things that didn't make me want to roll my eyes - well not exactly.
I will take personal responsibility for my health and emotional stability.
I will let go of negative emotional baggage I have been carrying. Only then will I be able to deal with your life in a realistic and positive manner.
The resolution of feelings from the past so that I can face the present with a less obstructed view.
p.s. I pulled a page out of my daughters guide to life (a moment I recalled from when she was 2) and I licked the entire roof of our gingerbread house before tossing it out!!!!!
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