in no particular order
- nice bedding and soft blankets
- my daughter's drawings
- the smell of a clean baby
- the ocean
- a great found treasured object
- nostalgia
- fresh scents
- making a new recipe and having it turn out perfectly
- the sound fall leaves make when you walk through them
- a massage (with no strings attached)
- flip flops
- an honest to goodness romantic love letter
- drawstring pyjamma bottoms
- simple silver jewellery
- Jane Chocolate lipstick (which sadly has been discontinued - it smelled and tasted like heaven and the colour - was perfect)
- open spaces with grass and trees - really big trees
- the way a tree's leaves look when a wind blows really hard through them, and the accompanying sound
- a night out with friend(s) where you laugh until it hurts
- a well put together outfit
- really kick-ass shoes (to go with an outfit - that had to be purchased to go with shoes)
- Fresh flowers (no red roses or or fake multi coloured carnations please)
- the smell of coconut suntan lotion (always reminds me of vacation)
- my daughter's smile - the one where her dimple shows
- those huge snow flakes that fall gently from the sky that look like they are in no hurry to get anywhere
- clutter free
- slow dancing with the perfect partner
- the smell of a woodstove on a crisp cold day
- dragon-flys
- real surprises (I am very hard to surprise because of my intuitive nature)
- a good chick-flick
- my daughter's eyes when she is excited
- the look of earth toned slate tiles
- Sangria
- a great book - the kind you can't put down
- music
- lilacs and lily of the valley (reminds me of home)
- rhubarb pie
- candlelight
- the prospect of travelling to a new place - one day
- fresh cherries
- my bowl of polished river rocks
- my dark chocolate brown, perfect leather chairs
- my birth stone (garnet)
- new beginnings
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