What's the "more" you're looking for in life? More time with your family? More passion for your work? More cash, less debt? More recognition and rewards? More respect as a business person? More vacations to exotic places? More improvements to your home? More opportunities for your children? As a Tupperware Consultant you can have more, do more, and enjoy more. Tupperware, the "more" you''re looking for in life.
If you look up Tupperware and opportunities on the internet - you will be greeted by something akin to the paragraph above. Sounds like a great opportunity - don't you think.
So here is my story - a number of years ago - probably about 7 or 8 to be exact, one of my friends convinced me that the two of us could make some good money by looking into being Tupperware Consultants.
Well I certainly know that I have what most would consider decent people skills, but at that time my entertaining/homemaking skills would leave a little bit to be desired and the idea of anything resembling sales - was just not me. However.... I got roped into hosting a Tupperware party where I was to invite friends, neighbours and family, and by doing so - would receive some promised hostess gift - which come to think of it - I don't think I ever received.
Well anyone who has ever actually attended a Tupperware party is all to familiar with the little games or tricks employed to entice sales. I think my party involved 5 minute brownies microwaved right in their little Tupperware pan.
The part of the story that will be of most interest is why in fact I am now banned from attending or hosting future parties (which I must admit - is ok by me). The guests at the party were presented with a large display of Tupperware pieces - some classic, some new and asked to give some thought to a new or unconventional use for said piece of plastic. I just hate being put on the spot in front of a group of very imaginative woman - that clearly had far too much time on their hands to be inventive. Eventually as the consultant made her way around the room - she came to me and it was my turn.
I don't know what got into me - I really don't.
I quickly scanned the items laid out on the table and pointed to the huge Tupperware bowl with lid (which incidentally someone else had already said - that she used her's when she would go visiting - to bring her cake - who the hell brings a cake when they go visiting - show off! The idea being she would place the cake on the lid, and use the bowl as the cake dome - huh! never would have thought of that - but again by this point in my life I had probably baked a grand total of 3 cakes - none of which I would have taken anywhere).
Anyhow - so I point to the large bowl with a lid, and with a perfectly straight face declared that in my house - when I was a kid - that particular bowl came in quite handy and had been used by almost everyone in the family. I sensed that my guests were curious to discover, as was the consultant, how a family with 4 males and 2 females - would make use of this very classic, time honoured bowl.
Uh.. yeah - well you could literally see the bubble burst, as I turned on my heels to re-enter the kitchen to retrieve the coffee mugs, after announcing that in my house we made great use of this Tupperware treasure... because it had been the barf bowl when we were sick.
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