It is Friday the 13th today. I have to tell you that I'm not feeling too good about it. Not that I am really superstitious or anything - it's just sometimes I'd prefer to have a little bit of luck on my side.
Yesterday morning I woke up at 6:30am after a terrible nights sleep. I had fallen asleep with the lights on, and awoke a few hours later after being stuck in an endless cycle of nightmares. The kind where your teeth fall out and you watch yourself turn into someone who looks like they ought to live on a street corner. The kind where all that you value and cherish in your life disappears before your eyes and you are helpless to do anything about it. I spent a night time and early morning having continuous dreams of this nature.
I woke up with a bad vibe and as the day continued it grew increasingly worse. Today, I have to say - I'm not feeling a whole lot better. But that aside - I have an amusing note to add.... I think I may be the worse kind of mother, the kind that steals candy from a babe.... ok - that may be a bad example (I don't think babies should HAVE candy in the first place!!).
My daughter lost her tooth yesterday morning. I'm not sure she really believes in the tooth fairy anymore as much as she believes in the tooney fairy! Off she went to bed last night, reminding me with every step up to her bedroom - where she had left the tooth - just so I would know.
I said "I dont need to know where your tooth is", to which she replied "Well I thought maybe you did, you know so you, could like tell or show the tooth fairy or something".
In any case - as I routed around in my wallet last night before going to bed, I found my last tooney before payday, and stuck it under the glass on the kitchen table (We don't do pillows and teeth in this house).
This morning - I realized that I have no milk in the house, and that I gave away the change I had budgeted out to buy my morning tea on the way to the office. I heard her counting her spoils this morning, and asked her how much money she had now.
"I have $13.60" she said proudly....
"Do you think you could loan dear old Mom a dollar so that I can buy my tea this morning..."
"Sure - no problem Mom" she said with a smug look on her face. I knew what she was thinking - HAH - Mom needs money from me!
How BAD is that!!! I know I should probably feel guilty - but I don't. Mostly cause I know how others around me will suffer if it's not for my daily ingestion of tea!
Well the week is coming to a close, last day of the first week of "Bead Camp" (this is what she calls it), and a Friday before a much needed weekend. We have a big family picnic (aunt's, uncle's and cousin's) on Sunday, and they are calling for rain all day on Saturday - so not sure what kind of weekend it will be. But - any day that doesn't involve getting up early to go to work - is a good day in my books!
If I could wish for one thing - it would be that a particular someone - (you know who you are) would give me a call or drop by and let me know they are doing ok. A lot going on with a dear friend, and let me just say - I've been there and I know how hard things are.
Chat again soon
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